Over the years of observing Cyclura it’s hard not to notice this very distinctive pose. Some people call it “Sexy Leg” pose, some will refer to it a “Yoga Pose” and some will say it’s a “Kung Fu Kick” pose.…
Cyclura babies hatching 2013: Alpha, Beta, Gamma
Our first Cyclura babies are starting to hatch! So, we decided to name them Alpha, Beta, Gamma… for now instead of Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday etc. since they seem to be hatching one per day. Alpha (hatched 9-4-2013) is the first one…
How to increase humidity for dry fertile cyclura eggs
In some cases when your cyclura fertile eggs are getting dry and develop dents during incubation period, you may need to check your humidity. First, check if the medium is getting dry. If it is dry you can add just…
Raised scales on the the cyclura toe, what does it mean?
If your cyclura or other iguana has scales that looked “raised” on their toes by the nail, it might be a sign of inflammation, injury or infection. The photo above (from Dan Bristow) shows one cyclura toe with raised separated…
Iguana mites
If you noticed that your iguana has shedding problems, excessive scratching, has strange looking or damaged scales or you have noticed small bugs on or around the folds in the skin, the eyelids, and the armpits, these are the signs that…
Deworming your iguana from parasites
It is possible that your iguana may get infected with parasites through food or from being outside. If you suspect your iguana has worms or parasites it is wise to seek treatment. If you are not sure that your reptile…
Calcium supplement with or without D and how to use it.
I hear questions about the Calcium supplement with or without vitamin D3 and how to use it for your cyclura and other iguanas correctly. So, here is explanation and suggestions from the experienced iguana owners. What’s the difference between Calcium…
Figs are healthy fruit for your Cyclura
Every summer when the fig season starts our Cycluras just can’t wait to get the treats in the morning. Figs have been known as one of the best fruits that you can feed to your iguana. They are very high…
Cyclura Tail Curling – What does it mean?
One of our females cyclura lewisi hybrid Bella Blue curls up her tail when she walks through the common territory in the house or sits in the living room. She doesn’t curl it when she basks, sleeps or hangs out with…