Casanova turned 9 years old October 2014 and he has been a very tame big boy for most of his life. In this video I wanted to show his natural colors in regular ambient daylight. His colors change based on…
Cyclura babies shedding for the first time
Our little cyclura babies are one month old now and growing well so far. The other day I have noticed that some of the babies started to show first signs of their very first shedding. How cute! Most of them have…
Raised scales on the the cyclura toe, what does it mean?
If your cyclura or other iguana has scales that looked “raised” on their toes by the nail, it might be a sign of inflammation, injury or infection. The photo above (from Dan Bristow) shows one cyclura toe with raised separated…
Iguana mites
If you noticed that your iguana has shedding problems, excessive scratching, has strange looking or damaged scales or you have noticed small bugs on or around the folds in the skin, the eyelids, and the armpits, these are the signs that…
Cyclura Shedding and Helpful Tips
Cyclura young babies seem to be always shedding in one area or another through the whole year. It is absolutely normal. But as they get older they shed less often and to a point that it is about once a…