Our little cyclura babies are one month old now and growing well so far.
The other day I have noticed that some of the babies started to show first signs of their very first shedding. How cute!
Most of them have some loose scales on the snouts, head, ears and neck. They are a bit itchy and try to scratch their little heads and bodies on various branches. I would say some babies seem to be preoccupied with trying to get the shed off and seem a bit sensitive and edgy. Poor little iguanas. To help them shed I increase the humidity inside the cage by misting some water.
Good thing is that cyclura babies shed rather quickly comparing to adult Rock Iguanas. Scales on their head flaked off in a day or two.
Skin on iguana body gets much lighter right before shedding.
Interesting observation: I noticed that one iguana baby is trying to nibble on the loose scales of another iguana baby. It looks like they are helping each other groom. It’s amazing how curious they are about everything at this age and how irresistibly cute they are.