Reptile Function

Juvenile Rock Iguana 5 months old

I can’t believe these babies are 5 months old now! It has been such a great experience interacting with them and learning their personalities. By now I can see how different they are and not just with patterns, colors and looks.

Rock iguanas, 5 month old juveniles

Rock iguanas, 5 month old juveniles

I can tell that the babies really benefit from social human interaction, it is very stimulating for them. They are like kids and sponges, soaking in everything they experiencing and learning with every interaction. They are amazingly intelligent! It only takes them a few seconds to learn something, rather it is good or bad. And they don’t forget and store this information for future use. So be careful how you approach and handle them every time.

It is extremely important to be patient and let them study you and your body language just as much you would study theirs. It might take a while to build trust between you two, but when they learn to trust you they become amazing pets and friends.

Juvenile Rock iguana baby Gamma learning to trust my hand

Juvenile Rock iguana baby Gamma learning to trust my hand

Juvenile Rock iguana baby Gamma learning to trust my hand. Success :-)

Juvenile Rock iguana baby Gamma learning to trust my hand. Success 🙂

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